Depression & its Treatment

Dr. Priyanka Kalra

Depression therapist near me

She said to me:

It’s hard to explain what I feel
How I am not myself anymore
How my passions don’t matter to me
And somethings I don’t even want to explore
They easily ask, why don’t you smile
Why don’t you talk or mingle with us
But it’s hard to tell them, that any effort seems futile
And then they ignore me like I am an unsociable cuss
I look in the mirror and don’t find myself there
The peaceful sleep, the sumptuous appetite, the ‘getting ready’
And even the will to just move myself, has vanished in thin air
Burdened by the entire blame, I am so unsteady
Days turn into night, time seems to pass me by
How I wish this was over, that I could numb myself and not feel the pain
There is no ray of light, no hope, no joy
Cuz really what is left now to gain?

I say to her :

I can only imagine, how hard it is for you
Though I can’t go through that pain
Yet I feel for you
But dwelling in the sea of thoughts, what’s there to gain?
Though you may not see it,
But I assure you, it’s not your doing
A change in weather, that caused a loss of grit
And downhill is the direction you seem to be going
A stroke of illness or a fight with roomy
Something that upset the chemical balance
Things around went gloomy
And you lost your confidence to ambivalence
Hold on, go reach out, tell a friend,
Get help and set the balance right
It’s a hard struggle, but it is not the end
Yet, those who love you, won’t ever leave you in this fight
Help is only a consult away,
A chemical balance set right
A dear one who won’t let you sway
You will shine like a bright light!!

Depression therapist near me